NYD 2012

NYD 2012
NYD 2012
253.21 kB
01. Januar 2012
115 x

Die New Years Disc 2012.

Erneut haben viele Leute mitgemacht und es ist wieder eine großartige Sammlung an Neujahrsgrüßen daraus geworden.


New Years Disc 2012

Welcome to the 6th edition of the NYD. Again some people did
their best to help you to have a well start into the new

This time the following things will show up:

disc one:

Fireworks (animation)              by Miker
Hopp 2012 (game)                   by PP's
New Year Monkey (animation)        by Miker
New Year's Bunny (intro)           by Sikor & Miker
Merry Xmas 1 (animation)           by Charlie Chaplin
2012 Intro (PAL recommended)       by Heaven

disc two:

Merry Xmas 2 (animation)           by Charlie Chaplin
New Year 2K12 (intro)              by Sikor, Innuendo & Miker
Scrolling Street (intro)           by PP's
Endtro (intro)                     by Blowjobb
new year intro 2012 (intro)        by Agenda

disc three:

Moon Cresta (gamepreview for VBXE) by Rybags
Happy Bars (intro)                 by MaPa & PG

Wish you a Happy New Year 2012!

Ralf (PP's) _______________________________________01.01.2012

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