NYD 2015
NYD 2015
NYD 2015
708.17 kB
01. Januar 2015
515 x
New Years Disc 2015 =================== Another year, another NYD :) Following people have done something to make you a happy start into 2015: Disc 1 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- Xmastree 2015 (1 screener) by PPs MasterIt 2015 (little game) by PPs Quarrion preview (game preview) by matosimi Intro 2015 (intro) by Desire Happy New Year 2015 (animation) by miker New Year 2k15 intro (intro) by blowjobb NYDS (intro) by Sikor Happy New Year 2015 (intro) by miker & Sunday Comic Squares (PAL only!) (intro) by MaPa & PG Note: QUICK source code of MasterIt 2015 is on the disc, too. Disc 2 - multidisc (Double Density) ----------------------------------- Fireworx (320 kB minimum!) (animation) by miker Fireworks 2015 (intro) by PPs Disc 3 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- Inc Year (intro) by TMR & blex Laglance (final version) (picture) by ming D.I.T.C.H. (game) by Morons Rej (picture) by ming New Year (picture) by Irgendwer Strictly Gone Bananas (game) by Paul & Harvey & miker 35 year old one (picture) by PPs Notice: Due to illness of Creature XL/Morons D.I.T.C.H. is buggy and in no way finished. Hope he gets well soon. Disc 4 - Dimos Quest NYD 2015 edition -------------------------------------- Dimos Quest NYD 2015 edition (game) by 8bjunkie There are some special levels for us to play this New Year :) Yeah cool. Creators of the levels are: Level 01 by Bunsen Level 02 by 8bitjunkie Level 03 by Milan Level 04 by 8bitjunkie Level 05 by 8bitjunkie Level 06 by T0bey Level 07 by 8bitjunkie Level 08 by 8bitjunkie Level 09 by 8bitjunkie Level 10 by yellowman Level 11 by 8bitjunkie Level 12 by yellowman Level 13 by 8bitjunkie Level 14 by 8bitjunkie Level 15 by wizard Level 16 by yellowman Level 17 by 8bitjunkie So now time to release the thing it's 2 past 2 pm (CET) here now and I'm late... Thanks for all the entries. Happy New Year 2015! PPs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- some statements of the other people involved in NYD: Paul Lay: I didn't include any instructions as I ran out of time! Really it was more of an experiment with the GTIA square pixel mode, the game itself is quite basic - you have to move the joystick in the direction indicated by the arrows when they scroll into the outlined area at the bottom of the screen (and a circle means press the trigger). The best approach is just to touch the joystick in the required direction and immediately release it. Happy New Year! matosimi: hi, this is first time i contribute to nyd. it is small game i was working on during november, but it might get nice polish by PG and turn into serious production as all are used to get from me. blowjobb (the original info file): New Year 2k15 intro by _ _ _ _ _ | |_| |___ _ _ _ |_|___| |_| |_ | . | | . | | | | | | . | . | . | |___|_|___|_____|_| |___|___|___| |___| code by: dely audio by: liSu greetings sorted by: miker Happy New Year! -------------------------------------------------------------------NYD 2015----jan-01-2015
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