NYD 2017 - bonus disc

NYD 2017 - bonus disc
NYD 2017 - bonus disc
14.83 kB
01. Januar 2017
282 x

New Years Disc 2017 - bonus disc

Just after the release of the NYD I received another entry. So here it is:

NYD2017 - bonus disc (Enhanced/Medium Density)
Snowplow NYD 2017		(game)		by therealbountybob

Notes from him:
- - - - - - - -
Here is SnowPlow a game from Analog Magazine Issue 64 (Editor was in Issue 65).
Full Info on the game here http://www.atarimania.com/mags/pdf/analog_no_64.pdf

We're playing the game in the HSC, released copies only had 1 level which was a
bit disappointing,  so I have created a 2nd level and added one that came with
the editor as the third level, plus I've done a mini 4th level which I have not

The game is simple but fun - you can PLOW the cars to rescue them for more
points!! You can make 1 jump using the fire button. The storms come on more
frequently as time goes by. Probably a good one for children too.

The game returns to the title screen after doing each level - press Start and
the next level is loaded so leave the disk in/attached.

DOS Disk with snowplow.com renamed to autorun.sys level files SMAP/01/02/03
are loaded in file order not name order.

Best Wishes for 2017
Happy New Year 2017!

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