PPs first v2018-2

PPs first v2018-2
PPs first v2018-2
5.39 MB
31. März 2018
363 x

Eigentlich sollte die v2018 ja die finale Version dieses Tisches sein, aber...

Es gab noch einige Fehler und somit habe ich nochmal daran gearbeitet.


- light the 3 target lamps for extra ball
- 10 sec time for ballsave
- earn points getting to the ramps
- get the jackpot (max 10.000.000)
- bonus held when extra ball
- dmd (hud dmd can be toggled on/off)
- jackpot score


new in v2018-2:

- hud can be toggled and table remembers the state
- surfaces put above some areas to prevent the ball from jumping to high
- put a lid on top of the ramp for same reason
- changed dmd a lot
- added some more sounds

new in v2018:

- corrected some guides to prevent stuck ball
- better positioned ball hole for the same reason
- many dmd optimizations
- added table info (service key in attract mode)
- "bonus held" only in extra ball
- translite changed, dmd now around Williams position and added a jackpot light
- jackpot added and awarded at max bonus multiplier
- added some sound effects (from salamisound.de)

new in v2016:

- corrected bulbs that where not reset
- table slope set to 10 degrees for a bit more speed
- extra balls counter in dmd
- some more infos on dmd

new in v2015:

some more bumpers, bonus lanes and lights, bonusmultiplier up to 6

the multiplier gets higher, by flashing all the bonus lights on the upper surface (not fully tested), the bonus points will be added right after each ball

alpha in 2007:

so far some bumpers, ramp with upper stage and a little extraball "quest" plus some little dmd things

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